31 March, 2009

30 March, 2009

i'm not done yet.

so, i'm not as good at this blogging thing as i thought i would be. i seem a lot more interesting to myself, in my head, then i think i could ever appear in real life. it's kind of depressing to me. all the time i make myself into this person in my head. the person that i really want to be. i don't know, it's really embarrassing to admit, but i just want to be.. a good person, i guess. someone that everyone likes, and can count on. someone fun and interesting, but until i get over my shyness, i know it's never going to happen.

i'm one of those people that's always saying "tomorrow". tomorrow things will be better, tomorrow i'll be different than i was today. tomorrow i'll try harder, tomorrow i'll make a plan. tomorrow will be the first day of the rest of my life... but tomorrow never really comes. and i think that's one thing i need to realize if i ever want to be at peace with myself.

sometimes it has to be TODAY.

i made this film last semester. i wish it could inspire me more, but i hope it inspires you! it's one thing i can look at and say that i'm really proud of. i want that feeling more. it's the most amazing feeling, and i know it's what's going to keep me going in the future.